Friday, April 10, 2009


I've been negligent in maintaining this blog of late for a variety of reasons. "Shrink," my first novel, was published by Eloquent Books and, embarrassingly, and despite my many editings, was launched with dozens of my typos. These are now being corrected and a short sequel titled "Finding Jackson" is being published by PublishAmerica, so far painlessly, on my part. On the other hand, my attempt to self-publish Bronx Lyric, a short book of poetry about growing up in The Bronx, has hit a snag. My terrible computer skills do not enable me to meet the formating dermands of CreateSpace, the publisher. I wasted hours enmeshed in the vaguaries of PDFs, jpgs, and a 6X9 format, without success. All of this is my lame excuse for not maintaining this blog. I read, with some awe an almost daily blog of a writer who documents her writing and reading progress. The author is verbose to a fault, but her ability to grind out words nonethelss impressive. I am a fast write--too fast it seems to detect errors, but I don't have daily blogwrite words and never will. I'll continue to do this blog, mostly with a psychology spin, but not always, and only when I have something to say.

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