Friday, January 22, 2010

Adolescence re-visited

Announcemt of the 60th reunion of my high school graduating class prompted me to call my old friend Burt, with who I had not communicated in several years. We agreed to attend the evnt and to meet afterward, along with our wives, and catch up. THe "Rose" and "the Wass" were how we referred to each other in those innocent
Bronx Science days. Burt, now retired and living mostly in Florida, is the author of three books of poetry. He sent me his latest work, which has been nominated for a national honor. I sent him a meager effort of my own, Bronx Lyric, reminmiscing about those coming of age experiences. Howver, he is the pro, I the dilettante.
As such I wrote:
Sea Chantey

The Rose and the Wass went out to sea
In a leaky pea green boat.
A storm came up, windward and lee
Their vessel would not float.

And one swam south, the other north,
Their lives were torn asunder.
No longer would they venture forth
In lightning and in thunder.

And each took heed to spread their seed
And conquer demons separately.
Yet each maintained a silent need
To re-connect irreparably.

A line was thrown, a line was caught
A flame was re-ignited.
And two old salts who never fought
Once more were re-united.

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