Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Not picture perfect

"Shrink" and "Finding Jackson" are now out there but not burning down any bridges with sales. Last week I resurrected a story I first wrote for my grandchild Becca, then around age five. "Becca in Cyberland" describes the adventures of Becca, age five, who is pulled into her father's computer to Cyberland, has many adventures, and proves herself sufficiently worthy to be transformed into a Cyber princess. With apologies to Lewis Carrol, the story has its merits. I sumbitted it to PublishAmerica, which did "Finding Jackson." They accepted it. They are a traditional publisher and do not charge. I haven't done a stellar job in marketing my books--not my forte. I am ready to put the final touches on "Becca..." but I realize that the book, geared toward four to six year olds, needs pictures. PublishAmerica will do the cover but not internal pictures. Nor will they pay for them. The illustrators I found on the Web are top notch, but expensive. They mostly work for publshers and do their own writing. I e-mailed one who wanted $7,000 for my book. That's why they work mainly for publishers. I have contacted a retired artist through a friend who may be more reasonable. But as an author of books that have sold poorly I am not optimistic. I think I need a marketer.

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